
Bea Urzáiz, actress



NAME : Beatriz Urzáiz Ramírez de Haro
DATE OF BIRTH: 23rd July, 1975
OCCUPATION: Actress and journalist

WEBSITE: http://www.beatrizurzaiz.com


Máster’s degree on Televisión Communcation, Instituto de Comunicación Audiovisual, Sevilla, 2004
Graduated on Audiovisual Communication, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, 2004
International Baccalaureate, Vienna International School (VIS), Vienna, 1993


Theatre seminar directed towards film actors and directors, by Gretta Seacat from the Actor’s Studio, Madrid, 2004.
Sitcom script writing seminar by Guy Meredith, Instituto de Comunicación Audiovisual, Sevilla, 2004.
TV presenting course, Comunicación y Práctica Studies Center Madrid, 2003


-Mother Tongue:
-English- bilingual. Pitman, First Certificate, IB and Proficiency degrees
-French- bilingual. IB degree
-German- medium level


-Main role in the short film “Poema de Muertos”, directed and produced by “La Imprenta” cultural center, Madrid, 2002.
-Main role in the short film “Entropía”, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, 2002.
-Main role in the short film “Esconder la mano” produced by “Némesis”, Madrid, 2002.
-Main role in the short film “Palabra viva”, directed and produced by “La Imprenta” cultural center, Madrid, 2001.
-Participation in the theatrical workshops of Pardiez Teatro, one of the Complutense University’s theatre groups. Secondary role in the play “Marat-Sade” by Peter Weiss, Madrid, from 1997 until 1999
-Main role in the short film “Ni Dios”, Madrid 1998
-Four years of drama training in the Vienna International School (VIS): theatre training and involvement in production, artistic makeup and drama workshops. Involvement in ISTA (International Schools Theater Asociation), in Vienna (1991) and Istanbul (1992): dramatic workshops and theatre productions performed between international schools all over the globe. Performance of the plays A Servant of Two Masters, de Goldoni, Le Malade Imaginaire de Molière, La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas, The Dining Room, de A.R. Gurney Jr, an extract of Lady Windermere’s Fan y The Importance of Being Earnest , Oscar Wilde. Viena, 1989 - 1993.


Experience as a photography model -

-Current job: model for the spanish photography schools, LOOK and Ultravioleta, Madrid, from 1999 until the present time.

-Model for a Páginas Amarillas (Yellow pages) ad, Madrid, 2007
-Model for the Telefónica Movistar ad, in press, magazines, pamphlets and telephone booths, Madrid, 2003
-Model for the “Legumbres la Asturiana” ad, through the Delphoss agency, Madrid, 2002.
-Model for the monthly magazine “Emprendedores”, through the Delphoss agency, Madrid, 2001.
-Model for the “Páginas Blancas”cover, through the Delphoss agency, Madrid, 2001.

Acting experience in film and television ads -

-Actress in a Digital+ ad through the La Velvet agency, Madrid, 2007.
-Actress in the Imagenio TV ad, through the La Velvet agency, Madrid, 2007
-Actress in a Viajes Barceló ad, through the La Velvet agency, Madrid, 2007
-Actress in the 2007 IKEA TV campaign, though the La Velvet agency, Madrid, 2007
-Actress in the “Productos de temporada” de Caprabo TV campaign, through the Delphoss agency, Barcelona, 2003.
-Actress in the “Surtido Cuétara” ad, broadcasted in Spain and Portugal, through the Wanda agency, Madrid, 2002.
-Actress in the “Tarjeta Práctica” ad, through the Delphoss agency, Madrid, 2001.
-Actress for the “Televisión Española Deportes” TV campaign, Madrid, 2001.

Experience as a Professional Actress -

-Current job: actress and producer in the English theater didactics group “Ñu Accents” and the theatre association “Ñu Teatro”; both groups directed by the australian playwright Paul Adkin, Madrid, from Agust 2005 until the present time.

-Performance of the play "La Reina que no pudo reinar" in the Youkali auditorium. Written and directed by the Australian playwright Paul Adkin. Principal role, Madrid, October, 2007.
Performance of the play “Yo Cónsul” in the Youkali auditorium. Written and directed by the Australian playwright Paul Adkin. Principal role, Madrid, March, 2007
-Performance of the play “Kaspar Hauser” in the TIS, Youkali and Jannagah auditoriums. Written and directed by the Australian playwright Paul Adkin. Principal role, Madrid, form September until November, 2006.
Secundary role in “PRÓXIMA”, feature film directed by Carlos Atanes, Huelva and Barcelona, 2006.
-Secondary role in “Roca Bon o la búsqueda de lo trascendental”, documentary directed Karlos Alaustrey, Pamplona, 2006
-Awarded participant in the “e-comedy star” comic monologues contest, Madrid, 2003.
-Street entertainer in the “Circo de los Sueños” company, Spain, 2003.
-Main role in the short film adaptation of the short farce “Un cuartito de hora” writen by the Álvarez Quintero brothers, produced by the IORTV (Instituto Oficial de Radio y Televisión), Madrid, 2002
-Main role in the short film “Sólo ellas”, produced by the IORTV (Instituto Oficial de Radio y Televisión). Based in the play “The House of Bernarda Alba” by Federico García Lorca, Madrid, 2002.


-Editor, reporter and producer in Popular TV (COPE): programmes: "Tris tras y verás" "Jazz no sabe leer", "De fiesta en fiesta", "Ponga un amplificador en su vida" "Acompáñame", Madrid, from January until August, 2005
-Co presenter and producer in the matinée show “Siempre Contigo”, Televerbo: news and culture section, Madrid, August,1999
-Radio speaker and script writer in a musical programme designed to look for new music bands. 60’s and 70’s rock music, reggae music, ragamuffin, flamenco music and jazz broadcasting (Onda Norte, - 107.4 fm), Madrid, from 1997 until 1999,


-Word and Internet knowledge
-Avid Xpress editing knowledge


-Very persistent and fighting person
-Comfortable in almost any environment, as I have lived in different countries and amongst very different cultures throughout my life
-A very strong interest towards other cultures
-Fast learner in the language area
-Special sensitivity towards music: I played the drums for four years. Also, sensitivity towards literature and painted art
-General strong empathy and solidarity feelings towards others
-Independant person but, nonetheless, with very good friends.
-True enthusiasm about being able to work in front of a camera or on stage, and thus fulfilling my dream of becoming a fulltime actress.

-Absolute faith in myself.